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Research Areas 

The research areas include the north of the Pampas plain, the Paraná Delta, the Middle Paraná, especially in its left bank, The lower Uruguay River, the entire province of Misiones (Argentina), the State of Itapúa (Paraguay), the upper basin of the Uruguay River, the Highlands of Santa Catarina state (Brazil), the Central Depression of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and the Atlantic coast of these last two Brazilian states. Researches include field work and laboratory analysis of both collections recovered in excavations and curated in museums and universities.


1. Arqueología del Bosque Atlántico Meridional Sudamericano (ABAMS) (Archaeology of South American Atlantic Forest - ABAMS). LEARN MORE



2. Lifestyles and Genetics in Southeast South America During Prehistory. LEARN MORE



3. Arqueología de la Cuenca Media e Inferior del Río Paraná (Archaeology of the Middle and Lower Basin of the Paraná River). LEARN MORE



4. Mudanças Climáticas, Paisagens e Povoamento Pré-Histórico na Bacia do Rio Uruguai (Climate Change, Landscapes and Prehistoric Settlement in the Uruguay River Basin). LEARN MORE



5. Paisagens Culturais Catarinenses na Longa Duração: Conservação e Manutenção de Estruturas Arqueológicas Monumentais do Oeste e Planalto (Long-Term Cultural Landscapes in Santa Catarina: Conservation and Maintenance of Monumental Archaeological Structures in the West and the Highlands). 




6. Recadastramento e Sinalização de Sítios Arqueológicos das Mesorregiões Oeste e Planalto de Santa Catarina (Registration and Identification of Archaeological Sites in the Mesoregions of the West and the Highlands of Santa Catarina). LEARN MORE



7. Mudanças Climáticas, Paisagens e Povoamento da Bacia Hidrográfica do Guaíba Durante o Holoceno Tardio (Climate Change, Landscapes and Human Settlement of the Guaíba Basian During the Late Holocene). LEARN MORE



8. Arqueología del Río Uruguay Inferior (Archeology of the Lower Uruguay River). LEARN MORE



9. Conservação e valorização do patrimônio arqueológico da bacia do rio Uruguai catarinense (Conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of the Uruguay river basin in Santa Catarina)LEARN MORE



10. Dissemination of the Guaraní history and material culture of the Uruguay River basinLEARN MORE


Aerial view of site SC-CL-12 I with pit-houses - Painel County, Santa Catarina
Excavation at the funerary mound of the SC-CL-28 site - Lages County, Santa Catarina
Aerial view of Passo Fundo 1 site, with monumental structures - Lages County, Santa Catarina

Examples of earthen architecture in the Highlands of Santa Catarina (Brazil). The upper image corresponds to site SC-CL-I 12 (Painel County) which has several pit-houses distributed on top of a hill. On the left (below), image of the burial mound at site SC-Cl-28 dated to 835 ± 20 14C yrs. BP (Lages County). Below, on the right, in the foreground, platform A of the Passo Fundo site, dated at 690 ± 20 14C yrs. BP, and in the background of the image, structure D, dated at 980 ± 20 14C years BP (Lages County). The three sites were surveyed and identified with plaques at the request of the IPHAN (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional). The last two have been excavated in 2021 within the ASSA program.

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